Before u ask read our FAQ here, or if u can't get the answer try search at google, so stop asking for what you could not find it here
How to join video file like .001 .002 .003
use software like hjsplit or 7zip
What is softsub and hardsub
softsub is a subtitle file like .srt .ass .sub .ssa and many more, which separate from video
hardsub is subtitle which be at one with video itself
How to use softsub
1. make sure video and subtitle file in same folder
2. rename both file with same name example:
Kamen Rider W 32 RAW.avi and Kamen Rider W 32 RAW.ass
Where can I get subtitle for .....
Softsub (subtitle file) will be added if the translator give it to us, so We suggest to download TV-Nihon version which have good english hardsub, so dont ask anymore for subtitle
When will new Kamen Rider .... episode added
see at wikipedia for that episode will aired in japan, and every monday we will add it here as soon as possible
When will Kamen Rider Movie .... added
see at for DVD release first, then search at google for RAW, if any TV-Nihon will subbed it for us, when Tv-Nihon release their hardsub, we will add it here as soon as possible
What is RAW
RAW mean this video have no subtitle
What is TVN,TN,OZ
TVN, TN = Tv-Nihon
OZ = Order of Zeronos
TN and OZ are our beloved free fansub
What is IDWS
IDWS mean Indowebster
Seputar masalah Indowebster (IDWS)
Masalah utama indowebster adalah gratis dan sering maintenance, jika ada pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan indowebster (upload/download), silahkan cek dulu di Forum Indowebster, apakah servernya sedang bermasalah atau tidak, sebagai alternatif link indowebster, bisa dicoba dari mediafire sama aja kok speednya
ini adalah link alternatif yang speed downloadnya sama dengan indowebster, untuk mendownload di situs ini dengan cepat, Anda harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu melalui link ini, GRATIS
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